01 — 06 OCTOBER 2022

The film investigates kidnapping and alleged murder of a young Ukrainian soldier inthe Donbas region in 2014. His father, an elderly fisherman from the south of Ukraine, followsthe trail of his capturers. Traveling from the calm Azov coastline to industrial conglomerates,from the furious mining region to the sleepless capital, the father tries to find the witnesses of his young soldier’s last hours and minutes… As well as those who could see him dead. When thetestimonies are inconsistent, when the lawyers don’t show up in courts, when it’s one down, one up, all what is left for the father is to take the law into his own hands.


About Director

Yegor Troyanovsky

Yegor Troyanovsky is a director, cameraman and editor in the production of television programs, advertising and music videos at Ukrainian and American television. Author of documentaries Home Front and Aerodrome.


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The show begins 28 October and ends 29 October .