Train “Kyiv-War“ is a full-length documentary film directed by Korniy Gricyuk. The dramatic history of the Kyiv-Kostyantynivka train, with its passengers` unique fates, pain, memories, secrets, hopes, is a history of today Ukraine. Only 12.5 hours away from peaceful Kyiv is Kostyantynivka, a small industrial city in the eastern part of the country, immediately after which the front begins. This entire time people with different characters, social status, political views, and beliefs are traveling on the train side by side. They talk, debate, even quarrel, but speak to each other and go in a common direction. And what`s important, they all want to get to peace. This film is the voice of ordinary people, the search for dialogue and the path to a common future, where everyone’s voice will be heard.
Korniy Gritsyuk was born in 1991 in Donetsk, Ukraine. Graduated from the Philology Department of the Donetsk National University. Since 2013, he has been working in the film industry and on TV. He started his career as a screenwriter and then became the director of editing of Oleksandr Shapiro’s films. Subsequently, he started making his commercials and short films. He also edited TV series and film trailers. He directed films 2020: Deserted Country (2018), Transformer (2015), Cinephilia (2014), Hippodrome (2014).