“Romani dance” is a short documentary centering Alyona Kazanska, a Roma activist who retells the story of her life in the Roma community. Based on Alyona’s personal diaries, the film inundates the viewer with intimate details of her life and the difficulties she faced. The film also demonstrates Alyona’s performed attempt at contemplating and accepting her traumatic experiences linking back to her wedding night.
“Romani dance” is a short documentary centering Alyona Kazanska, a Roma activist who retells the story of her life in the Roma community. Based on Alyona’s personal diaries, the film inundates the viewer with intimate details of her life and the difficulties she faced. The film also demonstrates Alyona’s performed attempt at contemplating and accepting her traumatic experiences linking back to her wedding night.
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Producer | (Українська) Євгенія Відіщева |