01 — 06 OCTOBER 2022

This story of a clash between animal rights fighters and dog hunters in today’s Ukraine contemplates the concepts of cruelty and empathy, domination and tolerance, revealing the state of contemporary society on a crossroads between the instinct to destroy and the will to love.



Kharkiv MeetDocs 2021.


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(Українська) Середній рейтинг 4.7 / 5. (Українська) Кількість голосів: 24

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About Director

Anastasiia Maksymchuk

Anastasiia Maksymchuk was born in Donetsk, Ukraine in 1991. She has made several short films as a director and screenwriter. She has also made a number of social ads and music videos as a director. In 2019, she graduated from KINOEYES program with an M.A. degree in Film Directing from the universities of Lisbon, Edinburgh and Tallinn. Currently, Anastasiya is doing her PhD in Media Art at the Lusofona University, Lisbon.

DOGS DON’T BITE GOOD PEOPLE is her feature debut


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The show begins 28 September and ends 28 September .